October 30, 2009

44 is Definately NOT Boring !! My CNN Interview

Who knew 44 could be so thrilling! On Tuesday, I was catching up on the nation's news for a moment at work on CNN online. There was this question asking what ideas regular people had for saving money. I wrote a couple of sentences about my adventures in garage saling. They emailed me and asked if they could call. David thought I was nuts. Then the phone rang and we talked for about 40 minutes. We discussed everything from starting a photography business at home, to affording school, to working for a non-profit during the recession, to having children getting married and planning weddings on a tight budget (without going into debt).

We spoke of my soon-to-be-born grandson and his crib that we found for $35 a day after we found out he was a part of our lives. It was either spend $35 nine months early or $350 in February. It is gorgeous (nearly new) and converts into a toddler bed.

They asked for a picture of me with the crib. I am holding a pair of new baby Nike shoes I found at a garage sale for 25 cents.

I thought I would be scared doing this, but it was a lot of fun! I guess 44 means crazy confidence to try the unimagined.

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