December 18, 2010

Four Weeks of Blog Silence While I Slave Away

I've read that Novembers are hard work months for photographers, but I really had no idea!  For the past few weeks, I would put eight hours in at the bill-paying job and then come home, grab a bite to eat and go right to work on getting photos ready for families who wanted prints to share with family at their Thanksgiving feasts.  Most nights I was in bed by midnight.  Wowzer!  The really hard part is that without sleep you make more errors in judgement and processes that shouldn't take long at all have to be redone, over and over again. 

To get a much-needed break, my photo-buddy, Malinda, dragged me off to Missouri Town earlier this month for a photo challenge.  It was really a lot of fun and I had a great time working in dim candlelight to get great pictures of historic buildings and the authentic actors who portrayed the people of the 1800s.  The freezing wind chased us from one building to the next as we worked out way through the town. 


A reflection of our tour guide sharing about the drafty bedroom.  Notice the flame on the candle bending in the breeze passing through the gaps in the walls.

Of all the pictures that I took that day, my favorite was of Belznickel, a sort of St. Nicholas from long ago. He was amazing. My husband says this shot is going on our wall.

Have a great Christmas celebration and don't run yourself too ragged keeping up with the details. Take the time to remember what is important: a place intended for livestock became a maternity ward on a dark and cold night.  There, in a feeding trough, lay a newborn babe wrapped in cloths with his mother and father watching over him as smelly shepherds crowd in to get a glimpse.  Lean in and take a peek for yourself.

His name is Jesus and He is the reason for the season. 

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