October 15, 2009

Day 2 -- Photo Failure... so The Zombies Are Coming

My photo-a-day commitment falls on its face on Day 2. I was on my way to my 6:15 a.m. Bible Study and stopped at 6th & Lawrence Ave to take a picture of cars whizzing by under the street lights. Boring yes, but a photography challenge. Well the pictures were a bust and I obviously need to review my camera owner's manual!

This is a picture of the 3rd Annual Zombie walk on Mass St. in Downtown Lawrence. It occurred last Sunday evening and I knew it would be a photography challenge with low lighting and lots of movement (plus it was just a little creepy so I had to watch for camera shake). There were probably 300 Zombies participating in this event.

There were 2 unexpectedly funny things that evening: 1) watching teenage zombies shuffle by with ears glued to cell phones and 2) watching hordes of law-abiding zombies pile up on corners as they waited for the light to change so they could cross the street. My die-hard girl friends Susan & Ange joined me on the freezing adventure and kept the Zombies from messing with my camera.

1 comment:

  1. :) whewhoa! run they are coming! All in fun thank the LORD for His tender mercy. :)Interesting picture though.
