February 20, 2012

Through my lens - life in Eudora, KS

I love living in a small town.  Last Saturday, I was getting ready to get in the car to meet some friends for breakfast, when it occurred to me.  I need to take out my camera more often; for no reason at all.  So I walked the few frosty blocks to downtown. 

The Black Cat Cafe's windows were wet with moisture from the inside so I had to step in to see how busy things were.  It was definitely a full house so I don't recommend waiting until mid-morning for breakfast on a Saturday.  I barely slid into a table before another wave of townies stepped through the door.  My friends arrived and we warmed ourselves over hot coffee and conversation.  The Black Cat has this stack of absolute deliciousness where homemade biscuits are topped with sausage gravy, then butter-fried hashbrowns, followed by scrambled eggs then frosted with cheese.  I decided to be good and ordered an omelet...which came with the butter-fried hashbrowns, of course.  

An hour later, we headed down to the Filling Station gift shop to see the book signing event of local author Jody White.  I had the pleasure of befriending her before she was a famous writer when I joined a writing group a few years ago.  Her first book was my pride and joy since I actually found a place where she'd taken one of my suggestions and worked it into her plot.   This second book is more distant to me, but she did share her idea those many years ago and I encouraged her, so I quite possibly should consider this one my baby too. 

Awesome Read

I would include some pictures of my friends and Jody, but I think they'd string me up if I tried.

The book signing table before visitors arrived
The Filling Station is owned by Anita Mitts.  She graciously allowed me to display one of my photographs on a stand-out frame over her antique fireplace mantle.  "Think big!" she tells me when we are discussing marketing ideas.  Anita is also a teacher in Eudora so she's always full of tons of encouragement to put your dreams into action. 

There's my sweet 'babies in the grass' picture.

Stop in the Filling Station to steal great decorating ideas -- or even buy stuff!

Children enjoying a game together while grown-ups shopped

Love snapping pics of kids unawares!

And when they are aware :)

After purchasing my book, I stopped off at Cami's Cakes to see how my newborn/maternity photography display was holding up.  Cami and Dustin shouted their welcomes over the roar of the mixers as they worked to create all kinds of wonderful cakes. We briefly discussed the challenge of juggling a new baby with a booming business.

I have learned a very important lesson this winter -- ancient plaster walls tend to expand/retract and knock most items to the floor that are not anchored into the wall's interior.  With some minor repairs, we should be up and selling once again!

Cami's Cake shop wall display
I love the people of Eudora.  So much fun is to be had by stepping out of my routine and enjoying what is right under my nose!