September 19, 2010

Gordon-Kiene Wedding - Roses & Laughter

This month I had the privilege of photographing Amanda Gordon and Doug Kiene's wedding held at the Kansas City Rose Garden near the Plaza on September 5th.  The weather was gorgeous, and in spite of the usual tangle of last moment details, everything sailed forward into a beautiful and touching ceremony.  Amanda and Doug wrote their own vows and there were lots of tears and chuckles. 

Congratulations, Amanda and Doug Kiene, and blessings to the blending of your families.

September 12, 2010

The Darr Family Portrait Session - Sunflowers & Hay Bales

This amazing session was with the Darr Family. They are hardworking people with busy schedules so it was unusual for them to find the time to pull together for family portraits.  I am thrilled that they did.  I don't think I've laughed so hard and had so much fun in the editing process.

My computer is behaving today so I made a slideshow of their session.  Enjoy!

In addition to the family pictures, we captured a very special one.

September 9, 2010

Baby Smorgasbord Night

Tonight, I can't think of anything to write, so I will serve you a Top Spot Baby Smorgasbord.

Put your feet up and have a great evening!

September 8, 2010

Introducing My BPFF: Mayshell Sinclair

I want to introduce my friends to my assistant and top BPFF (Best Photography Friend Forever), Mayshell.  She dropped straight out of heaven and into my life this summer.  I told her from the very beginning that I didn't want someone that I would grow to depend on.  I told her that just like all past 5 a.m. workout buddies who dropped out after two weeks and wouldn't return phone messages, I didn't want the lonlieness that comes from going alone after being a pair. 

She didn't listen.  Now it's too late.  How can I ever take a picture without her adjusting this and that or reminding me to check my White Balance? 

Feeling a bit insecure, I keep probing her with questions like, "Aren't you tired of photography yet?" or "Feeling the itch to move to New York lately?"   So far she's fine with hanging with me fiddling with my camera.  I promised to give her a raise soon.  Instead of just lunch on me, she could add a desert. 

Me + my BPFF = Top Spot Photography

September 3, 2010

Bodhi's 6 Month Session at Clinton Lake

My apologizes for taking such a long vacation from my Blogging duties!  My computer fizzled out on me and I just kept taking pictures, so you can imagine the pile of processing I have to catch up on. 

Enough of me...this is my friend Bodhi.  She caught up with me for her 6 month session at Clinton Lake in August. 

She loves her Jingle Bear!
And her thumb!

Here are some fun Photoshop Actions that I applied to some of the portraits. It's called 70's and is reminiscent of the old Polaroids some of us older folks might have tucked away in a photo album. 


Bodhi and I have been having photo sessions for quite some time.  I just love looking back at how quickly she has grown. 

Bodhi at -2 months

Bodhi at 2 weeks

We had a great time!  In one hour, we collected hundreds of memories that will last a lifetime.